
In a bustling settlement with blood-sucking shapeshifters and sentient machines, some folks are not what they seem to be.
Yaya is a highly-advanced humanoid machine, trying to earn the final credential that will make her the guardian of her creator's orphaned daughter. Eager to prove herself, she takes on an assignment to determine whether the village's newest tofu-peddler is an aswang — a dark creature that disguises itself as a human but drinks human blood.
It's a risky assignment, for if Yaya fails, she will lose all her previous credentials. But that won't be the worst part of failure. If Yaya mistakes a human for an aswang, she condemns an innocent person to pain and shame. Yet if she mistakes an aswang for a human, she allows a dangerous creature to roam freely.
Follow Yaya's investigation in the fantasy sci-fi novella, Metalmade, where a land inspired by precolonial Tagalog society uses magical technology to resist the most formidable of Filipino mythological creatures — the aswang.