About Leng's Story Portal

Hello! My name is Leng Malit, and I enjoy reading, writing, and drawing in my free time. This website is a way for me to share my hobbies with you.
I was born in the Philippines to a Kapampangan father and a Tagalog mother. I spent most of my childhood in the province of Laguna, except for two unconsecutive years living abroad in Singapore. I never learned how to speak Kapampangan as a child, but I still harbour the hope that I can learn it someday! (And if you know of any cool learning resources, send them my way!)
My family immigrated to Canada when I was nine years old, settling on the traditional territory of the Anishanaabe people, lands which are now part of Treaty 13. More commonly, it's known as the Greater Toronto Area. I have a master's degree in computer science, and I work as a software developer in the machine learning space. I love the art and science of developing software and I have very specific ideals related to technology's role in society. While Big Tech might seem like a depressing landscape these days, I promise you there are still many of us trying to shape technology for the betterment of human lives.
My favourite genre to read is fantasy, as you can probably tell from the book discussions I post on my blog. I love all kinds of fantasy, from middle-grade to adult, from action-packed stories with complex magic systems, to quiet atmospheric tales in alternate real-world settings. I occasionally dabble in making fanfiction and fanarts of my favourite books, but these days I spend most of my time crafting my own original stories.
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I try my best to produce the best stories I can. I know that "web stories" might give many people pause, but all my stories have gone through multiple drafts, multiple rounds of editing, and multiple passes of beta-reading. This might be a hobby, but I'm serious about improving my craft!
If you're still on the fence about whether you'll like my stories, why don't you give them a try? All of my stories are free and accessible on the web, and there's absolutely no commitment to reading them. No sign-ups, no credit cards. If they're not your cup of tea, no hard feelings! And if you do end up liking them, I would love to hear your thoughts!
Here are a few ways you can reach out to me:
Thank you for visiting my Story Portal. Hope to see you again soon!