Tools of Trade


  • Typora: this is my main writing editor. I love how clean and distraction-free the UI is. It's not very advanced in terms of features, but I prefer it that way. I used to use OpenOffice Writer, but since I started using a static-site generator to make this website, I needed to have my stories saved as Markdown. It was easier to have a Markdown editor from the get-go rather than converting .doc or .odt files into .md. The only feature I miss is the ability to add comments, but I usually get around that by using special characters to mark where a comment begins and ends.
  • Obsidian: this is a note-taking app for Markdown (do you get the sense I just love Markdown? Because I do!) and it's where I put all my ideas, outlines, and brainstorming notes for all of my stories. Its UI is clean and sleek, it has a ton of customizable features, and it allows you to store your notes locally without forcing you to sync them to the cloud.
  • Atticus: this is the eBook formatting software I use to create the epubs, mobis, and pdfs that I then make available through Bookfunnel.
  • Bookfunnel: this is the online service that hosts and distributes the eBook versions of my stories.


  • Krita
  • Inkscape
  • GIMP
  • Sketchbook


  • Pelican Static Site Generator
  • jQuery + Handlebars
  • NginX
  • Linode